After Rio we took a flight to Manaus - a true paradise :)

On the airplane YAY!
We arrived on friday the 15. feb. Audur and Luiz were so nice to come pick us up at the airport, what a service! :)
What a happy surprize - this house was a 5 star hotel! We had just hit the jackpot! The whole family was amazing, including Luiz of course ;) We were three together in a room, which meant slumber party every night! YAY! :D we had the best chef in Brazil, that made us breakfast lunch and dinner every night! and a maid that made our bed every morning! and she also washed our dirty underwear! ;) And we cant forget our personal driver, Luiz, who drove us everywhere. We felt like royalty :)
Our first day we woke up early to go to Presidente Figueiredo. There we walked through the Amazon jungle to get to a waterfall. We swam in the river that looked like coke cola, it was very dark because it was Rio Negro. There we met some very nice bugs! We were not so very fund of them. But we kind of liked the little fishes that were nibbling on us while we were laying in the river...
In the night we were invited to a birthday party, but we were getting a bit tired/jet lagged so we went home early. We also had a big day coming up the day after :)
Presidente Figueiredo
On sunday we went on a boat ride on the river to see the meeting of the waters, which is where the Rio Negro, almost black coloured water, meets with the sandy-coloured Amazon River. The reason for them not mixing is because of their different temperatures, speed and density. This was pretty cool! On this boat ride we saw a lot of beautiful and interesting things on the way. We saw the coastline of Manaus, including the favela. We saw a floating town and gas stations in the middle of the rivers! We were waiting to see a floating supermarket or a mall somewhere on the way! We also walked a bit in the jungle, on bridges that were rather high up, at least high enough for Svanlaug to be scared for her life ;) We saw waterlilies, crocodiles and the oldest tree in the Brazilian amazon, it was huge. Then we went on a canoe ride through the jungle, and fed some fishes :) - oh yeah, and we had acaii icecream! Yumm!!

The Favela
Gasstation in the middle of the river
The meeting of the waters
Luiz and Audur- BFF`s
Floating house
Jungle walk on a shaky bridge
Excited for the canoe ride!
Anna, Dani, Luiz and Audur on the canoe
Cute girls living on a floating town

Old canoe
The three musketeers
The next day we had a chill day, we went to the center and had a tour in the opera house, which was really beautiful. We walked around, and went to a market. For dinner Svanlaug and Audur had really strange sushi, it was sushi inside a seaweed "cone". They really liked it :)
In the evening we had a cozy time outside by the pool. Having beer in good company :)
Anna taking a picture of Svanlaug taking a picture of Audur walking. Random photo!
Outside the Opera house
Waiting for the tour to start in the opera house
They had a concert just for us! Wow!
Playing in the street - Surfin!
Strange Sushi
On tuesday, we went to see the pink dolphins, yes PINK! Cloé, Luiz´s cousin joined us Icelandic girls and drove us outside of Manaus, to an almost empty town, it felt like a ghost town. We drove for almost 3 hours to get there, saw the dolphins for ten minutes and drove back ;) The road was very wavy and bumpy, but that didnt stop Cloé from driving like a true Brazilian (like a maniac.. or a monkey on ephedrine ;) ) She ended up getting a flat tire, which we had actually been betting on happening the whole ride! This was a ride, a roller coaster ride! :D
In the evening Luiz´s parents invited us out for a real Amazon dinner, which consists of fish, rice, beans, farroffa and some other good stuff :) -we had actually had this or similar dinners/lunches every day because Luiz´s mom cooks the best food ever! Then of course we went to the bar, like true Brazilians, and had a couple of beers :)
Hey pinky!
Amazon dinner - Happy :)
Yummy Sardines - One of Anna`s greatest accomplishments in life, eating this stuff! ;)

Our Manaus Family
The next day, we had to wake up early, like every other day! so much to do in beautiful Manaus :) But this was a sad day, because Audur was leaving... Before she left we went to have a breakfast buffet (Audur loves to eat ;) ) and then to a Natural Reserve where we met some cool animals.After having dropped Audur off at the airport we went to Mr. Loureiro´s (Luiz´s dad) personal museum of Indian monuments. Hes such a cool dude!
One of our favourite pieces of Mr. Loureiros collection ;)
Sadly the next day was our last day, we went to walk a bit in the forest and to a little "zoo" where we saw amazonian animals that had been rescued. After that we tress passed at a 5 star hotel (Luiz told us to go there and said it was allowed) and went to the pool! It was amazing!
For a last dinner we had Tacacá, which is a shrimp, grass, something soup ;) Anna did not like that, but of course Svanlaug did, she loved everything they served :)
In the Zoo
We met a famous monkey!! Autograph please!
These were a bit creepy
This one was super intelligent
Tresspassing!! - Sweet life
We would like to thank everyone for an awesome time in Manaus, Audur, Luiz, Dani, Cloé and the whole family! :D You were TOOOO nice! :*

Luiz`s mom - One of the nicest people weve met :)
Until next time! See ya guys! :D
Anna and Svanlaug
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