Thursday, February 7, 2013

Paraty - Beautiful


We have been in Paraty for the past 4 nights and are heading to Rio de Janeiro tomorrow.

We wanted to put up some pictures from Paraty, because it is sooo beautiful here :)

We walked around the old town, which is a historical town. In the old days there was a lot of gold here, slavery and some pirates! If you want to read about the town you can go here :)
Here are some pictures taken from the beautiful town Paraty:

The second day here we went on a "cruise" around the islands close to Paraty. The view was stunning!!

On the cruise we met a couple from Brazil and Uruguay that were really nice and we went to dinner with them in Paraty. When we arrived at the hostel after this lovely day, we realized that we had gotten really burned!! Even though the sky was cloudy and we used sunscreen we still got really burned! -you will not get any pictures of that ;) 

The day after that we just stayed in, rubbing on aloe vera and watching TV! And ofcourse, this day had to be the first day we see the sun and clear sky!! 
In the evening we met two really nice Norwegians girls, Helga and Marta (hope we´re spelling it right!) and we went out for dinner and drinks with them. :)

Chiao from Brazil!!


  1. OMG! how amazing!
    looking forward to see some pic from Rio... :D

    BR. Reggí

  2. Sjjii hvað þetta lítur vel út hjá ykkur stelpur!! :D Er mjög ánægð með að fá að sjá myndir ;)

  3. Geggjað.. ohh væri til í eitthvað svona núna! Gaman að fylgjast með..

  4. Wooop beddí búbb, hvað þetta hljómar vel hjá ykkur!!! ...fyrir utan náttúrulega brunann! Halló, Anna María you know what I'm talking about ;) Og bara strax byrjaðar að mangla við peoble, like it! Ógeðslega gaman að fylgjast með ykkur! Peace og munið eftir SUNBLOCK ;)

  5. Þú veit væntanlega að þetta var ég ;) Kv. Krissa

  6. waaaaaaaaa im so jealous im not sure i can keep looking at this blog! haha i wanna go to some tropical place to and be burned like a shrimp! hahha. keep having fun girl and please ENJOY u r sooo lucky of being there :)

  7. Ótrúlega gaman að lesa um ferðina ykkar! Eg sit herna a hosteli i Chiang Mai að ofnota wifi-ið eftir 3 daga treking i frumskoginum, bara snilld. Við verðum að vera i bandi, væri aðeins of gott að hitta a þig einhversstaðar!!

    Knus fra Thailandi :)

  8. held að ég sé buinn að fata þetta jeahhhh :) looks like fun .... ég verð bara að svara anonymously hehe kveðjur Mamma

  9. Skemmtilegar myndir! Þið eruð alveg með þetta... Verður gaman að fá að sjá fleiri myndir og fylgjast með ævintýrinu ykkar!

    Stórt knús á ykkur,
    Tinna D.
